Appendix 1

Appendix 1

The Canterbury Society: “Vision Questionnaire”

Please will you help us by filling in this questionnaire. The aim is to find out what local people think about Canterbury so that we can make it a better place in which to live and work. The questionnaire comes from the Canterbury Society which is working with other residents’ groups to prepare a Vision for the future of our city.  We believe that the issues below are areas of concern, but we want to know what you think.  For each issue listed please indicate (with a tick) how important it is to you.

How important are the following issues to you?Very importantQuite importantA little importantNot at all important
The provision of more private housing
The provision of more affordable or social housing
Reducing traffic congestion
Upgrading the state of local roads
The cleanliness of streets in the city
Controlling crime and anti-social behaviour
Enhancing car parking provision near the city centre
Adequate Park and Ride facilities at the city edge
Improving public transport provision
Reducing air pollution
Retaining retail provision in the city centre
Having adequate retail provision at the city edge
Conservation of the city’s heritage
Improving the range of provision for visitors and tourists
Further provision of public access open space, e.g. parks
The supply of “Green Belt” or similar areas around the
edge of the city
Adequate Jobs available in the city
The provision of cultural facilities e.g. art, music, theatre
Adequate sports facilities in or near the city
Upgrading cycling and pedestrian provision around the city
The provision of a range of activities for younger people
Better provision and care for older residents
Retaining the status of the higher educational provision
Having more schools in the city
The visual quality of the city
Improved natural environments around the city edge
Personal security in the city
Better City Council democratic processes, e.g. consultation and decision making
More action on energy conservation and climate change
More recycling and waste reduction
The reduction of homelessness
Better access to health provision
Reduction in graffiti, litter and minor vandalism

Please briefly mention here up to three things that you find especially good about living in Canterbury:

Please briefly mention here up to three things that are not very good about living in Canterbury:

In order that we gain a good geographic range of responses could you please tell us the name of the street in which you live and your postcode:

In order that we know the age range spread of our questionnaire responses could you please place a tick in the following table:

Age rangeTick one row
Under 20 years
20 – 29 years
30 – 39 years
40 – 49 years
50 – 59 years
60 – 69 years
Over 70 years

If you are interested in being informed on the progress of the Vision, or you wish to offer any expertise, please leave your name and contact details here:

Please complete the sheet and hand it in, or return it to Jan Pahl, 18 St Dunstan’s Terrace, Canterbury.

Thank you for your ideas. Please ring Geoff Meaden (01227 752275) for further information on the Vision.