Past Events

Past Events

Is the NHS in Crisis: a Canterbury Perspective, Prof Stephen Peckham

Slides of his presentation given on the 22nd September at the Friends Meeting House

Civic Champion Award presented to Angela Gardiner of the Canterbury Foodbank by the Worshipful Lord Mayor at the AGM of the Canterbury Society 21st September

Clean-up at Three Cities Garden in the centre of Canterbury’ 15th May 2022

3 Cities Garden in Bloom’ March 2022

Flower planting on the Franciscan Way’ 13th March 2022

Restoring 3 Cities Garden

Lost Scenes from the Northern Edge, 17th Feb 2022

The Deans of Canterbury Cathedral 1540-2000: The Lifetime Achievement Awards

Does Canterbury need a Town Council?

Litter Pick- Old Park Wood 26th February, organised by the Canterbury Society (Beverley Paton deputy- chair) and Sian Pettman, Friends of Old Park Wood

Climate Action Community Day Canterbury College 16th October 2021

Civic Champion Award to Sue Langdown Cathedral Lodge 9th November 2021

Design Awards Canterbury Cathedral 9th November 2021

Design Awards Winners