Hubert Pragnell: ‘The challenge of urban growth for heritage cities; Canterbury and other places’
In 1942 a number of our historic cities were single out for attack by the German air force and Canterbury was among them. Fortunately the destruction was confined and few major buildings were lost. However since the end of war Canterbury and other cities have faced other pressures including urban growth. This in turn has put pressure on the social fabric as well as historic buildings. How has Canterbury faced up to this; have the authorities here and elsewhere done enough to protect the historic fabric and rebuild in sympathy with what had been lost? How for example have German cities with a similar cultural heritage faced up to restoration and their own urban expansion. This illustrated talk will ask do we deserve to retain our World Heritage status in view of what we know of future plan for the next twenty years?
Register for this event at chair@canterburysociety.org.uk Tickets- free for members £7 for non- members, payable by card or cash at the door. Proceeds to canterbury Society funds.