Canterbury Society AGM 2024
The Canterbury Society give notice of our Annual General Meeting, to which all members are invited to attend.
After the statutory agenda items are fulfilled our Speaker this year will be Dr Hubert Pragnell who will give us an illustrated talk on J.M.W. Turner in Kent.
There are currently no vacancies on the committee as all executive officers are willing to stand again (although new additions to our committee are always welcomed). We do however have vacancies for team leaders on three of our working groups (Open Spaces, Climate and Arts)- would you consider helping us?
Fruitworks will keep their refreshment bar open for us to purchase so please arrive from 6.30pm, we will start the AGM at 7 pm sharp and as soon as possible will welcome Dr Hubert Pragnell to give his talk.
(Nearest car parks – North Lane or Whitefriars)