This event will involve illustrated talks on different aspects of the Canterbury Cemetery and time for questions and discussion. The aim will be to introduce the rich and varied life of this great open space and to discuss the idea of setting up a group of Friends of the Canterbury Cemetery.
The speakers will include Jon Kreffer, manager of the cemetery, Stewart Ross, from the Canterbury Commemoration Society, and others.
Canterbury Cemetery is a place full of life in many ways. It is home to a great variety of wildlife, with over 300 different species of trees, a wealth of birdsong and in the spring great swathes of flowers. It is popular for leisure, with people exercising or simply relaxing in a peaceful and unpolluted green space. And, of course, it is the resting place for many local people, whose memorials recall the history of Canterbury, such as the graves of those who died in the war-time Blitz on the city.
All over the country, community groups are getting together to relish, cherish and maintain local cemeteries as havens of peace, wildlife and fascinating history. We hope that this event will lead to the setting up of a Friends Group for the Canterbury Cemetery.
All very welcome. Do come along and bring friends who may be interested. Further information from Jan Pahl at: j.m.pahl@kent.ac.uk
Nearest car park: Pound Lane